Thursday, May 18, 2017

Dear Other Self Movie Review

Dear Other Self
Directed by: Veronica Velasco

I'm not one of those girls who love to watch romantic films, I'm the type of gal, who would rather choose a horror, sci-fi, fantasy and action film over that mooshy stuff, because I personally hate the drama. But I made this one an exception. It's a definitely A MUST SEE MOVIE! It has less drama, it's light and a fun movie that will leave you breathless.

During the red carpet premiere of "Dear Other Self"
l-r Xian Lim, Jodi Sta. Maria and Joseph Marco

What surprised me the most are both Xian Lim and Joseph Marco's acting skills, we all know that Jodi Sta. Maria has more years of experience than the two heartthrobs, but in this film both actors, stepped up to Jodi's level, it was impressive.


In the romantic-comedy film, "Dear Other Self", a girl named, Rebecca, played by Jodi Sta. Maria, finds herself choosing between two things in life, first to be able to pursue her dream of traveling to see the world and discover what life has to offer her or to give up that dream and choose her responsibilities by striving hard to help her family,

When Rebecca (Sta. Maria) chose to follow her dream and leave her responsibilities she went to Bangkok, Thailand. At first, it wasn't what she was expecting, once she got to the country, she immediately wanted to go home, she felt uncomfortable, alone and isolated, that is until she met, Henry, played by Xian Lim, a Photographer who  travels the world. Since bumping into Henry (Lim), everything changed. She finally felt happy, they traveled around the country together, had the time of her life, and along the way, they fell for each other.

But when Rebecca (Sta. Maria) chose to stay and work and be with her family, she was promoted and was given a car, which had caused a little problem, she accidentally bumped into Chris, played by Joseph Marco, who works as graphic artist at the same company Becky (Sta. Maria) works for, Chris (Marco) is very well known as a gwapo suplado. The accident resulted to Becky (Sta. Maria) having Chris' (Marco) car fixed at her father's shop and making Becky (Sta. Maria) his personal driver, driving him from home to work and from work to home. This makes Chris (Marco) and Becky (Sta. Maria) slowly yet annoyingly get to know each other deeper, until the both of them fell in love with each other.

This film is very relatable to everyone in the corporate world, but it's not just about choosing between travelling or working, but rather it's choosing between following your heart's desires or by playing it safe, by choosing what every one else is doing and just be responsible.

There are also lessons that we can all learn and apply from this movie, this is also about choosing our own destiny, that nothing is fixed. It's our choices that makes us who we are and who we are meant to become someday. And that nothing is meant to be, unless you choose to make it happen, because things happen because we make them happen.

Dear Other Self is now showing in cinemas nationwide.


Special thanks to Joan Camille for the passes.

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