Monday, November 5, 2018

OVERLORD Movie Review

By: J.J. Abrams

DISCLAIMER: This post contains spoilers.

So just this Monday, Nov. 5, 2018, I was invited to watch the movie premiere of Overlord. I didn't know what exactly this movie is and what to expect from it. I didn't even bother to watch the trailer before heading to the cinema. But judging from the invitation, it looks like a thriller / suspense / horror genre.

Upon arriving the cinema, I met with my friends, Rose and Prince. Yeah, I know, they have such pretty names, but don't be fooled by Prince's name though, he's a true horror fanatic, so he's more like the Prince of Darkness than Prince Charming. LOL.

So anyway, we headed into the cinema, and found out that there was a very cool photo booth and we just couldn't resist on taking some photos and of course a boomerang. But that also gave us clues on what the movie is about, we saw needles, chemicals and everything that a mad scientist would probably have. So we concluded that there will be human experimentation from this movie.

Like I said, I didn't get to see the trailer of the movie, so the first few scenes for me was confusing, I couldn't grasp what was happening, all I know is that, there was a war going on and it was during the Hitler era.

So many questions was running into my mind. Like what's the main story, what and why exactly are they injecting some icky stuff on corpses, making them like a zombie person. It's just really a matter of putting all the pieces together, but later on you'll be able to catch on.

Kuddos to UIP Movies, Bad Robot Productions and Paramount Pictures for doing a great job. I mean, the graphics were awesome, even the make up artists did a great job with the gory stuff, it will really make you cringe on your seat.

So if you're the type who loves watching movies with hints of our history, then this movie is perfect for you. Not only that this movie has some gruesome, fantasy, horror and wicked action scenes, but it also shows how heroic our soldiers are, that no matter what Nationality you are, you side on what is right, and save the human beings.

The only comments I have for this movie is that, one, not all scenes have subtitles, making it a bit difficult to understand (but it's really just 2-3 scenes, so it's still fine.) second, it's lacking more zombie scenes, which is what I was expecting once I understood the whole plot of the movie. But overall, it was a good movie.

I recommend that you head on to the cinemas near you now!

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