Tuesday, July 4, 2017

From Hopeless to Hopeful


At some point in our lives, we've all gone through that "worst heartbreak ever". The moment when you feel that everything is lost and hopeless, and no matter how much you try to explain or cry your heart out to your friends they just won't seem to get it. And it's so easy for them to say that everything will be okay, but they're not exactly in our shoes, now are they?

BUT, during those horrible days, we are so blinded and our judgements are being clouded by our emotions, that we all forget that there is hope and all our friends are right. It's just us and our sentiments that's getting in the way of being truly happy. And we won't realize this until we accept what happened to us.

I know it's hard to see the light, when you're in the darkest room, but slowly, your eyes will adjust and somehow see faint images of that place, and soon you'll be able to find and flip the light switch, and realize how beautiful life is and how much more it has to offer you.

There's absolutely nothing wrong to grieve, especially when it's because when someone takes that exit door, but as what my friends used to tell me, don't stay there. Don't let it eat you up, fight it, and you know you can, you just need a little push, it may take time, but slow is better than not moving at all. And stop pretending to be happy when you know you're not. You have to go through the process, everybody does and the more you suppress your feelings, the more difficult it will become. And stop distracting yourselves, it won't do you good either, because there will be a point wherein you'll realize that you thought you're already happy, but in truth you were just pre-occupied. And soon enough those feelings you set aside will eventually catch you up, and trust me, that is not a pretty picture to paint.

Everyone will always tells you that there is someone out there, much more greater than your past loves. I know you won't believe it, because you're stuck and still hooked up on that person, but sooner, you'll realize as you meet new people that they are crazy right. And you'll come up to a point where you'll tell yourself, I deserve better.

It has been almost 7 months since I lost the one I used to call 'the love of my life' and It took me five months to grieve before I realized all of these and now that I did, I know that somewhere out there, is someone who can treat me better, who will accept and deserve the pure love and understanding that I can give.

So to my dear friends who are going through what I've gone through, believe that you can. You're beautiful and you deserve that special kind of love, everybody is searching for, and one day, I assure you, you'll find it.


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