Thursday, July 6, 2017

Love What He Does

Most people in a relationship, often don't understand why their better halves like what they are doing.

Here's a good example: Your man always wanted to back to the gym and work on his abs, just because summer is almost up. You on the other hand are furious about it for so many reasons, like, you'll spend lesser time together or you're thinking he just wants to do this to get himself some side chicks, or make this his escape excuse and go out partying instead.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

From Hopeless to Hopeful


At some point in our lives, we've all gone through that "worst heartbreak ever". The moment when you feel that everything is lost and hopeless, and no matter how much you try to explain or cry your heart out to your friends they just won't seem to get it. And it's so easy for them to say that everything will be okay, but they're not exactly in our shoes, now are they?