Sunday, May 21, 2017

You With Me: Movie Meet & Greet

You With MeDirected by Rommel Ricafort

It's not every day that you see a Kdrama with a Filipina in it, for this upcoming movie, Not only that there will be a Filipina, but she's the lead.

Ex-PBB Housemate, Girltrends and one of my best friends, Devon Seron will be starring in the Korean Film, You With Me, together with Korean Actors, Kim Hyun Woo & Jin Ju Hyeong.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Dear Other Self Movie Review

Dear Other Self
Directed by: Veronica Velasco

I'm not one of those girls who love to watch romantic films, I'm the type of gal, who would rather choose a horror, sci-fi, fantasy and action film over that mooshy stuff, because I personally hate the drama. But I made this one an exception. It's a definitely A MUST SEE MOVIE! It has less drama, it's light and a fun movie that will leave you breathless.